
Colin Simpson presentingI’m Colin Simpson and I have been an eLearning Designer since 2003. I work for the College of Business and Economics at the Australian National University.

I enjoy finding the best ways to use emerging technology in education.

Specialties: Audio production, video production, education design, multimedia production, game based learning design and development, writing, training, web design, competency based teaching, competency based assessment, Moodle, Equella, Adobe suite including Connect

I work with teachers to develop their teaching resources for online delivery, help them to implement new educational strategies and enhance their skills in and knowledge of e-Learning.

I’m a multimedia specialist with a keen interest in the use of technology in education to make learning more accessible and engaging. We are currently working with several virtual world platforms to expand the possibilities of scenario based role-plays.

My responsibilities in this role include:
• Providing teachers with technical and pedagogical support in the design and development of online learning resources, activities and assessment items.
• Designing and delivering professional development and support to staff and students.
• Supporting the implementation of innovative e-Learning strategies including blogs, virtual classrooms, user-generated content, point-of-view cameras, reusable learning objects, game-based learning, virtual worlds, interactive whiteboards, mobile learning, social media and augmented reality.
• Coordinating a community of practice for teaching staff using eLearning tools in their teaching
• Contributing to the ongoing evaluation and enhancement of e-Learning technology
• Representing the College on university committees and working groups relating to organisational policy and strategic direction.

In 2011 I was the Conference Coordinator for MoodlePosium, a national two-day conference about the use of Moodle in Higher Education and I have been on the organising committee for each subsequent MoodlePosium.

I have also presented at a number of e-Learning conferences in Australia and internationally on topics including designing scenarios for virtual worlds and overcoming barriers to e-Teaching.



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